Blog post covers many years 1880 – 1904 from the parish regarding Hailsham, Sussex, The united kingdomt

Photo gallery filed by Bob Oceans. A photo of Thomas and you will Margaret Colbran as well as 2 of the youngsters, Florence born 1880 and you can Thomas created 1882. Florence from inside the 1904. Blog post in the Sussex Relatives Historian Regularity 17 #, pg 133

Sussex Fleet blacksmiths by Tony Rowswell. Robert Collection (1702 – 1775) is actually apprenticed to help you William Shepherd at Fletching. This new smithy is actually handed down of father so you’re able to young man up until 1881. Robert Fleet died 1866 old 72 age. Their partner Johanne died 1851, in the 58 yrs . old. Blog post covers recent years 1702 – 1921 on parishes Fletching, Sussex, and Portsmouth, Hampshire, England. Post throughout the Sussex Relatives Historian Regularity 17 #, pgs 134-137

Blog post from the Sussex Family Historian Frequency 17 #, pgs 144-146

Interested in Fanny by Stephanie Hammond. Fanny was born to Jacob Pitt and Ellen Baldwin, she hitched Horace light when you look at the 1867 along with one or two students, Bessie born 1867 and you will Maud Ellen within the 1869. She provided birth so you’re able to Spencer Smith. White into the 1871 who was simply increased from the their aunt and bro Caleb and Susannah Smith. Fanny passed away 1905 and that is hidden in the Wadhurst. Blog post covers recent years 1851 – 1905 on the parishes away from Brighton, Ifield, Wadhurst, and you may Crawley, Sussex, England. Article throughout the Sussex Family Historian Volume 17 #, pgs 142-144

The feminine line from the Rosie Ansell. William and you may Louisa Ansell had 14 youngsters. The author possess sought after these seuraava types of pupils. The fresh new women had been most difficult. Surnames were Cox, Nye, Hobden, Western, Process of law, Clifford, Bourne, Bensley, and you can Lighting. Article discusses the years 1798 – 1901 in the parish of Horsham, Sussex, England.

Good Sussex orphan’s facts from the John Jillett. William Huggett Jillett came into this world so you’re able to Frances Jillet with the 24 Can get 1844 shortly after their dad died. Their mommy passed away two years after and then he grew up from the his mother’s members of the family. He had been apprenticed so you’re able to a miller. He married Sarah Carey and had at the least 7 pupils created in numerous metropolises. William died 1929 and you may Sarah in the 1934. Both passed away within Warthing. Article talks about many years 1806 – 1979 on parishes away from Lewes, Clayton, Ashington, Sussex, and you can Lamberhurst, Kent, The united kingdomt. Post on Sussex Family unit members Historian Volume 17 #, pgs 148-149

Henry’s jagged absolutely nothing fingers by the Kay Milton. Henry Hampton to help you South Australian continent inside 1838. The guy hitched next Elizabeth Hardiman when you look at the 1857 and fathered 21 people. He passed away in 1897. Incorporated are an image of Henry on cover from the material. Blog post discusses the years 1813 – 1961 from the parishes out-of Chichester, Sussex, England, and you may Echunga, Adelaide, Australian continent. Article about Sussex Loved ones Historian Volume 17 #, pg s 1 29- 132

Two family members in the Hermitage by the Richard W. Burwood. William Burward hitched Age Giles at Portsea toward passed away in the 1829. Family members name’s possibly spelled Burword. Gilbert Gibbs partnered Harriet Cripps immediately after his first wife Eliza died. Harriet came to be throughout the 1851. Post talks about the years 1811 – 1900 from the parishes off Portsea, Westbourne, Warblington, and you will Landport, Sussex, The united kingdomt. Article regarding the Sussex Friends Historian Volume 17 #, pgs 170-171

Post throughout the Sussex Nearest and dearest Historian Regularity 17 #, pgs 171-174

A more outrageous poor-law instance of the Michael J Burchall. Robert Wilson married Mary Atwood to the 31 April 1768 from the Whatlington. They had one child, John. Post covers many years 1661 – 1791 on the parishes from Whatlington, Waldron, and Wadhurst, Sussex, England.

Picture gallery submitted of the Jenny Bennett. A married relationship pic of Georgina Jane Loder and George Elliott pulled . Known from the picture is Florence Francis Loder (sister) Georgina Loder, George Elliott, Ellen Loder (sister) Grace Loder (sister). Blog post discusses the entire year 1893 about parish out-of Slily Historian Frequency 17 #, pg 181